Questions to Ask to Get to Know Your Kids

When talking to your kids using the questions from this series, keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be a sit down ‘I ask you answer’ type of conversation.  Try to make it casual and relaxing and show that you really care.  These are suggested questions to get you going and you can add or subtract to customize it to however it fits in your kids current situation. For some, perhaps breaking up these questions and asking them on different days of the week might be more beneficial. Just like growing a plant, it needs watering and care daily and same as our relationship with our kids, it also needs the same care and nourishment on a DAILY basis.  We never give up as moms and strive to be a good and better mom day after day.  You ROCK beautiful!

  1. What’s your biggest dream that you wish would come true?
  2. How do you show people you respect and care about them?
  3. What does it mean to show LOVE?
  4. Did you make a new friend today? Tell me about them.
  5. If you could change anything about your family what would it be?
  6. What is the number one place you would like to travel to one day?
  7. Do you want to change anything about your life? And Why?
  8. What is the best book you’ve ever read?
  9. If you could create a new color, what would it be called? What would it look like?
  10. Describe the house you want to live in when you’re grown up.
  11. If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be?
  12. What have your friends been up to lately?
  13. What’s your favorite song? Why? And sing it to me if you’d like.
  14. If you were the President of your country, what is one rule that you would change for the world?
  15. If you had your own motto, what would it be?
  16. What is your mission in life?
  17. If you could go on a vacation anywhere, where would you go?
  18. Think of yourself as a superhero, how would you help other?
  19. What makes you smile (happy)? What makes you frown (sad)?
  20. What do you think of yourself? Describe yourself to mom. (This helps you see how they view themselves) I am always curious to see how my kids and students see themselves. Do they know their self worth?

Your kids are also interested in you as their mom, so be open to share with them the questions that you’re asking them.  I ask that you keep an open mind about their answers and that this is a time to listen and not to lecture or disagree.  This is simply a steppingstone to building a strong relationship with your kids so that they acknowledge and know the trust they can have in you and come to you in the future for the good and the bad.  You will become their constant on the earthly things, but the ultimate constant is one we cannot see and that is our Creator.

As I mentioned in Week 1, I would suggest keeping these questions for future use. Write them down along with their answers in a journal if possible. Their answers at age 7 could be very different than at age 13. You’d be surprised at how much the young ones can understand about these questions, but their answers will definitely come from a different perspective as each year passes by and our young ones become teenagers coming in to their own. Gosh, I so embrace all the moments and changes that comes with Mommyhood and I hope you are too, my friend!

Remember to check back next week for another list of questions to Ask your kids to Get to Know Them.  This will be week 4 the end of this series.

Do you have some successful and favorite questions to ask your kids to get them to open up? Please share them in the comments below!

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i’m brenda. 

As a certified online English teacher and a mom of two, I have experience working with both young learners and adults, helping them achieve their goals while balancing family and work. I’m passionate about coaching teachers and learners to become the best versions of themselves, and I believe you’re never stuck—I’m here to guide and support you every step of the way.

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