Learn the ABC’s in 1-2-3! 3 Reasons Why Alphabet Flashcards Are So Handy!

Setting a good foundation in the classroom is everything, and so every language learner’s journey should begin with learning…you guessed it: the alphabet! But isn’t that what the ABC song is for, you ask? Well, as fun and helpful as the ABC song can be, it’s still essential to be able to identify these 26 letters independently from one another.

At The Brenly, we’ve designed a deck of fun and colorful ABC flashcards to help with just that! What makes them so great? Here are three reasons why:

  • Kid-friendly Images!

Each flashcard has a fun picture that kids can relate to each letter. We know that kids are visual learners and so it’s helpful to have them start associating letters with words and pictures. We chose images from our very own The Brenly curriculum in order to help reinforce the vocabulary they’ve been learning in class!

  • Fun games!

Keep your kid’s attention by playing one of our fun flashcard games we’ve included with each set. For example, how about a fun game of ABC Card Slap? To play, simply scatter your ABC cards at random across a surface. When you say a letter (“D!”) or related image (“Doll!”), the child can find the card and slap it with their hand, a fly swatter, or a magic wand. You can speed it up or slow it down, say it quiet or say it loud!

  • Easy-to-read Letters!

Being able to recognize and write both lowercase and capital letters is essential for kids, and that’s why we have included both on each card in a simple but bold, san-serif font that will make it easy to identify.

Our flashcards come as a digital pdf file ready to download and print at home. A cost-friendly educational tool, flashcards can be taken with you on the go, practiced with a partner independently. Shop for them in our store!

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i’m brenda. 

As a certified online English teacher and a mom of two, I have experience working with both young learners and adults, helping them achieve their goals while balancing family and work. I’m passionate about coaching teachers and learners to become the best versions of themselves, and I believe you’re never stuck—I’m here to guide and support you every step of the way.

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